Spiral Concentrators

CWP Spiral concentrators are a gravity based concentrating device, that separates light density granular heavier density material within the size ranges of + 0,15 mm - 3 mm.

Slurry is fed on to the top of the spiral and evenly distributed to each spiral concentrator. The slurry travels don the spiral path wit gravitational acceleration. During the flow, the minerals are sorted according to their densities through centrifugal force. The lightest grains travel on the furthest outwards path, the medium density on middle path and the heavy particles in the inner path.

CWP Spiral Concentrators are available as

Single-stage, 4-turn spiral
Two-stage, 7-turn spiral
Single start, double start and triple start configurations
As well as +0,15 – 3mm coal washing equipments, CWP also manufactures Spiral concentrators for the benefication of heavy minerals such as Silica sand, Tin, Gold, Garnet (demantoid), Tungsten, Sand minerals, Chromite, Iron ore. 

  Advantages of CWP Spiral Concentrators

  • Low installation and operation costs
  • Small space requirement
  • No mechanical malfunction as there is no moving parts.
  • No power consumption.
  • Abbrasion resistant material covered surface